It was June 7, 2004, at approx. 11:45 a.m., when I received a call that my Mother was in the Hospital, in Intensive Care. I was over 300 miles away, at this time. Since Mother's Grandaughter was back in the area visiting, I called her so she could go and be with her Grandmother. A friend of mine, went to the Hospital to be with the Grandaughter, at this very difficult time. Unfortunately, Mother was on a ventilator, as my Dad had been prior to passing, so Mother was unable to talk. At 3:30 A.M. on June 8, 2004 Mother passed away.
I never knew when this day would happen. Mother's three years of isolation, from her family, had come to an end.
The 'fight' to have Mother back with the Family, through the many 'avenues' with the different organizations, was never successful, due to the initial DHS Report, that was done by Kari Shelton. This Report declared my Mother as 'not being a Dependent Adult' which was far from being the truth. A frail elderly woman, on Dialysis for 7 yrs at the time of Kari Shelton's interview. IF you read a previous Post on the DHS, Kari told my sister and I that Elder Abuse did NOT include Psychological Abuse. I guess, she had NOT been well trained, by the DHS, prior to working with the elderly people. Kari Shelton NEVER asked my Mother to get up off of a chair, when she visited her. Mother was not able to get herself out of a chair without help, before my Dad passed away.
Even the Sheriff Deputy, Todd Dollen, did not want to listen to the Grandsons, the day that Dollen came to my Grandmothers house, when she was locked in her own home, by herself. Mother told, Deputy Todd Dollen that her son had told her that she could NOT have company, SO Dollen made the Grandsons leave. WOW, it is obvious that this Deputy had NOT had proper training regarding Elder Abuse, either! I guess in Montgomery County, it is okay to lock a elderly lady in her own home, 20 miles from town!
It was a hard Funeral, SINCE our immediate Family (us, girls and the grandchildren) had been mourning the LOSS of not having our Mother / Grandmother, in our lives the past three years. It seemed like that when Dad died, that our Mother had died then, too. We were never able to have a Family Holiday with Mother, during those three years.
I would like to TELL EVERYONE who is reading this, PLEASE be alert to how elderly people are being treated by their families. DON'T DEPEND ON HEALTH CARE FACILITIES OR LAW ENFORCEMENT TO TAKE CARE OF THE ELDERLY!! I DO KNOW THAT THE SWANSON LAW FIRM HAD AN ACTIVE PART OF 'BRAINWASHING' THE AUTHORITIES AND THE DHS, AGAINST MOTHER'S FAMILY. YOU WILL READ THAT IN SEVERAL POSTS. Our Family was a very close and caring family for one another, and the Swanson Law Firm never knew our Family!