My Sister and I received papers, from RJohn Swanson and Mark Swanson of the Swanson Law Firm, regarding a Hearing for the Land to be removed from our Dad's Trust. This firm said, they were representing my Mother. BUT, it was very obvious that they were representing my brother, who lived with my Mother. THIS seemed very strange since US Bank's Trustee, John Meyers was the one who was Trustee of Dad's Trust and Gary Faust, was now the Atty for the Trust. WOULDN'T they be the ones to have prepared the papers to remove the Land from the Trust? THIS shows how weak US Bank's Trustee, John Meyers was, and the exact REASON that we were trying to have him replaced. Steve Stroud was not doing his job, as we had asked for a NEW TRUSTEE!
Therefore, my sister and I were forced to find an Atty to represent us, for the April 25, 2003 Hearing, in order to keep the Trust, as the original Trust papers directed and had been funded accordingly, by Trust Atty Ron Eich.
Our Attorney Phyllis Pearson of Des Moines was unsuccessful, due to the brotherhood of the Montgomery County Swanson Law Firm, John Meyers, US Bank Trustee, Trust Atty Gary Faust and the Judge. Atty Pearson had not put much time into this case, and had only consulted Steve Stroud of US Bank (Des Moines) who was obviously partial to Trustee, John Meyers. Several times in conversation with Atty Pearson, I wanted to meet with her in person, but she declined, saying I could just fax information to her. THIS seemed very unusual to me. She arrived at the Court House, only 5 minutes before the Hearing. My sister and I asked that we go with her, back into the Judges Chamber where this was being held BUT she said, 'no'. Previous times, we were in the Judges Chamber, for other matters SO this seemed very unusual, that she denied us that right to be present, with this discussion, with the Judge.
It was only a matter of 15 minutes or less when she came out, and we went into another room to discuss the results. She said, the Trust would be 're-funded' and the farmland taken out. We asked whether we could appeal this and she said, 'NO'. At one point of this conversation, Atty Pearson, said, 'I think they liked me'. Yes, she actually made this comment. This really sounded as IF she had gone along with what they wanted to do with our Dad's Credit Trust.
NOTE: How this US Bank Trustee, John Meyers was favoring, our brother, by removing the Farmland (as the most valuable asset). Since Atty RJohn Swanson had revoked Mothers Trust (8/21/01), making a new Will, and now, this would put ALL the farmland in her Will which we later found out (after she died), went to our brother.
ALSO: See next Post.... our brother obtained Guardianship over our Mother, February 10, 2003 prior to this farmland being removed. See how, quickly Atty Swanson was working with Trustee Meyers, to make sure our brother would have FULL control over Mother? Mother was taken to a different doctor, to have papers filled out for this guardianship. Atty Swanson was directing my brother for ALL of THIS, since my brother NEVER had any kind of business skills!