I went to the next step and contacted Bob Webster, (5/8/03), who was over Steve Stroud at US Bank. I was looking for some answers, as to WHY a Trustee of US Bank would take the most valuable Asset out of a Trust? I explained to Bob Webster and faxed him the information, on this April 24, 2003 Court Hearing. I told him how my Mother was NOT making these decisions, as she had never made business decisions when my Dad was alive and was definitely, not capable of doing it now, at age 81. She was a very frail lady and had been on Dialysis for 7 yrs. at that time. I understood that their Trustee, John Meyers was the Trustee of my Dad's Trust (as I was the one who had chosen US Bank to be Trustee) BUT I had asked Steve Stroud, for a New Trustee, last October 2002 when I knew John Meyers was not being IMPARTIAL to myself, my sister and my brother, who lived with my Mother. To make matters worse, Trustee, John Meyers was allowing this Swanson Law Firm to manipulate him, also.
Bob Webster said, that they had to do, what the Court Judge had said, on this matter, with removing the Farmland from Dad's Trust. Therefore, Mr. Webster missed my whole point, as to their Trustee, John Meyers. Had US Bank wanted to do the 'RIGHT THING', they could have removed John Meyers, given Dad's Trust, a Ethical and Knowledgeable Trustee, and corrected the PROBLEM by replacing the farmland back into Dad's Trust. Swanson Law Firm should never have had anything to do with this Court Order! NOT only was Swanson Law Firm being UNethical, BUT US Bank was being UNethical, along with them.
Note: See next Post. What another US Bank Employee has to say.....