I heard from a neighbor of my parents, that our Mother was in the Hospital, again. My Mother had fallen in the bathroom, and had a Pelvic Fracture. As usual, us, daughters were not notified.
When I contacted Dr. Neuman, her Nephrologist, I learned that my brother had switched her to another Nephrologist, December 2002, after she had been hospitalized in October 2002. Mother always liked Dr. Neuman and had had him for her doctor since the beginning of her Dialysis treatments, June 1994. This had to be hard on Mother to be taken away from her regular doctor.
I contacted the Dialysis Nurse (Linda) in Shenandoah but she would only say, 'I understand your concerns. I wish there was something that I could do for you.' I said, if the DHS calls you, you have to tell them about what is going on with our family. Linda stated, "I don't think that we can't tell them - we have to tell them if they ask us." THIS is where I have a problem, as I understand when a health care giver (which Linda was), knows that a person is being psychologically manipulated / abused, these care givers need to report it, without being asked!
Note: After Mother passed away June 4, 2004, and our Atty asked for Medical Records. This was very disturbing for me to read in a Report, done July 7, 2003. Michael D. Carabine, M.D., at the Shenandoah Medical Center done this evaluation. This was a "Outpatient Psychiatric Note". At this time, we had not seen our Mother since May 2002, (at Dialysis) over a year! Quote: "In addition to being on dialysis, XXXXX (Mother) has been involved in a difficult family dispute. She and her two daughters have been in constant conflict and there is evidence that she has been physically assaulted. XXXXX(Mother) describes her symptoms as primarily being those of feeling helpless and hopeless, as well as despondent. She does not feel as though her life is worth living a great deal of time and is very distressed by the numerous negative events that have occurred in the family."
SO, if there was "evidence that she had been physically assaulted", WHY wasn't this reported? IT would have had to been, either my brother or that lady that was driving her to Dialysis. CAN you imagine being withheld from your daughters and grandchildren? NOT being able to go to Holidays or Birthdays with your Family, like you did when your husband was alive....