Since my sister and I had a nice visit with Mother on May 10, 2002, I decided to go and visit her at Dialysis, again. This was 10 days later....
I walked in and sat down near her, and when she saw me, she, immediately, began saying, very loudly, that 'they (my brother and the 'manipulator') took me (my Mother) to R.John's office the day before yesterday, and he told me (Mother) that he doesn't want you (me) down here, anymore." "John told me (Mother) not to have you (me) come here." THEN, the Dialysis nurse, Linda, came over and said, "XXXXXX (Mother), calm down a little bit. It's okay. Mother said, "John said it wasn't okay, he don't want them (meaning myself and sister), to come here anymore. He told me (Mother) that, day before yesterday."
Nurse, Linda said, " I know what he said but I want to know what you say. Your the one that is important here." Mother replied, "I don't know, (then repeated) John told me the other day, he don't want them (my sister & I) down here." I asked Mother if she had to listen to John, and she replied, "I have to do what my Attorney says."
By this time, I could see that my Mother had been so BRAINWASHED, by her son, and this Attorney. Nurse, Linda, discussed with me, that Mother had never acted like this before. And to think, just 10 days prior, when my sister and I visited her, she told us that she loved us, and to have a Happy Mother's Day.
It was very obvious that she had been threatened by R. John or she would never have come out and acted like this.
The following is a letter which indicates that Swanson had gone beyond the Shenandoah Dialysis Center, in order to put a stop to our visits, at the Dialysis Center, with Mother.
THIS is definitely, Pyschological Elder Abuse and to think it was our Mother's Son and his Attorney that were doing this to her.