October 21, 2001, two grandsons drove to their Grandmothers house. They had been very concerned about their Grandmother, knowing that she was being isolated from her daughters and now an Injunction to keep the daughers away. The grandsons, rang the door bell several times, they also called Grandmas phone from their cell phone, but no answer. As they went around to the other door, they were able to see through the window. There sat their Grandmother, with her head down and the paper in her lap. They knocked on the window, called out her name but nothing seemed to make her move. One of the grandsons, called me and I told them to call the Sheriff office.
A Sheriff Deputy, Todd Dollen came, when he was not able to see any way to get into the house, through a window, the Deputy told one of the grandsons to pull the storm door open. The grandsons were concerned about doing that, but the Deputy assured them that it would be okay for one of them to do it, but that he could not do it.
Once inside, the grandsons went straight to Grandma and asked her if she felt okay since she felt warm as they touched her. Grandma replied that she didn't feel very well. Then when she noticed the Deputy in uniform. She said, "my son told me that I wasn't suppose to have company". So the Deputy questions her as to where her son is and she replied that he was working down by the bins, about 5 miles away. The grandsons had brought food and flowers for their grandma but the Deputy made them leave. The grandsons, videod this to document that their elderly grandma was being left alone, by herself, in a locked house and she wasn't able to get out of a chair by herself.
The grandsons took the video to show it to Sheriff Tony, the next day. Unfortunately, the Sheriff had already been told lies regarding Mothers family by Atty Swanson. The Swanson firm happens to be the County Attorney, also. Obviously, there was no concern for a elderly lady, living out in the country with her son, who was locking her in the house and keeping family away from her.