Since my Sister was not able to go to see our Mother at the Hospital, in October, she wanted to see if she would be able to get into the Dialysis Unit to visit Mother. When my Sister arrived, she asked to speak to the Dialysis Nurse, Linda. Then, Nurse Linda went to Mother and explained that her daugher, was here to visit her and that Mother would have to make the decision as to whether she wanted to see her. Mother did want to see her, as she hadn't seen my Sister for quite some time (since May 10, 2002). Mother told my Sister that she had gotten her Get Well card and then she asked how her sons were doing, which are Mothers grandsons.
After she had been there, approx. 1 hr., my Sister noticed that a guy with long hair and a beard had looked around the corner, at her. Shortly after, the 'manipulator' (who drives Mother to Dialysis) walked in towards the Nurses desk, said something, then left. Later, Nurse Linda told my Sister, that they had received a phone call. She asked who it was and Nurse Linda said it was Attorney Swanson but that it had been taken care of. Then she said that my brother had called, also.
My Sister explained to Nurse Linda what happened at the Omaha Hospital, in October, when Mother was moved to a different room, and Atty Swanson wanted the Hospital to keep us, girls, away from Mother, but it ended up that we got 'ban and bar' letters, so no one could be in the Hospital room with Mother.
Nurse Linda and my Sister asked Mother, why she couldn't see us girls and she didn't know what to say and she sort of began saying, because she wasn't and then stopped. So my Sister asked if she was being told not to see us and Mother said, "that she had to do what they say." Then Nurse Linda told her, that she must tell her son and the 'manipulator' that she wants to see family, like she had made the choice today to see her daughter. Then Mother said, that she wanted to see this daughter as she hadn't seen her for a long time.
Mother told my Sister that she should come back to visit her, as she left. NOW, you will see the letter below that Atty Swanson sent to the Dialysis Center, and admits he called Nurse Linda, this day 11/22/02.
** As you can read, THIS manipulation with our ELDERLY MOTHER continues on as you read from letters of Atty Swanson, April & May 2002.
** By Law, the Dialysis Dept. at Shenandoah should have REPORTED what they saw happening to their patient. (Our Mother)
** As we were trying to get help for our Mother, IT was being denied as the DHS, the Sheriff Dept, and Dialysis Center were all, being controlled by Atty Swanson. My Sister, Grandaughter and I were being treated as if we were the EVIL people WHEN we had done nothing wrong BUT to try and get our Mother free from her son and the 'manipulator', SO that our Mother could have the rest of her life with her family since her husband (our Dad) had passed away!